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Updated: Jun 11, 2020

With #BlackLivesMatter movement RIGHTFULLY at the forefront of the media, many are sharing resources outlining ways for non-Blacks to take anti-racist action and support Black communities across the United States. These actions comes in many forms and include (but are not limited to) demonstrations, learning about systemic racism, analyzing white privilege, examining white fragility, making donations, and supporting Black-owned businesses.

In an effort to consolidate resources for the latter, I've compiled lists of Black-Owned Restaurants in Major US Cities. I've seen these restaurant lists floating around social media, and I wanted them to have a home for actionable change! If you have additional lists for additional cities, please contact me with the link and creator for proper credit.

BALTIMORE, curated by @willdrinkfortravel

also, curated by @arlisappetite


DC/MARYLAND/VIRGINIA, curated by @feedthemalik


RICHMOND, curated by @visitblkrva


PHILADELPHIA, curated by @roncase514


PITTSBURGH, curated by Alexis Johnson


JERSEY CITY, unknown curator


RHODE ISLAND, curated by @eatdrinkRI


PORTLAND, ME, curated by @portlandfoodmap


BUFFALO, curated by @dimaismadduh


NEW YORK, curated by @milkkarten



QUEENS, curated by @queenseats


CHARLOTTE, curated by @cltfive


LOUISVILLE, curated by Bailey Loosemore and Dahlia Ghabour


AUSTIN, curated by @austin_monthly


HOUSTON, curated by @houstonchronicle


SAN ANTONIO, curated by @sanantoniomag


CLEVELAND, curated by @theclevelandbucketlist


INDIANNAPOLIS, curated by @eathereindy


MINNEAPOLIS, curated by Sarah Brumble


CHICAGO, curated by @seasonedandblessed


ST LOUIS, curated by @feastmagazine



OMAHA & LINCOLN, curated by @sarahbakerhansen


MILWAUKEE, curated by @mkeblackofficial


TULSA, curated by @tulsapeople


DENVER, curated by @303magazine


SEATTLE, curated by @roseappetit


PORTLAND, OR, curated by @bridgetcryan


LOS ANGELOS, curated by @proscuittogirl69


SAN DIEGO, curated by @packslight


ORANGE COUNTY, unknown curator


NEW ORLEANS, curated by @visitneworleans


ATLANTA, curated by @ATL_food_scene



JACKSONVILLE, curated by @jaxrestaurantreviews


MIAMI, curated by @ZachIsWeird

In addition, I've linked anti-racism resources that I've personally found useful in this previous post.

More to come,


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